On your side

Glitch Analysis are here to help you deal with supplier issues by providing an independent analysis of mechatronic components. 

Automotive electronics and mechatronics are becoming more complex, and as a result, the equipment and expertise required to dismantle, test and analyse these components is often beyond the reach even of the supplier. While this may sound unbelievable, it's actually very common for the manufacturers of these parts to return inaccurate or incomplete analysis of the failed components that you trust them to be experts on. You often rely on the supplier's quality team having in-depth technical knowledge of mechatronic systems, and this is regularly not the case. 

It's also not uncommon for suppliers of failed parts to blame misuse as the cause of failure, something which is hard to argue against if you're not the expert. 

We give you the expertise and confidence to address supplier quality issues, with full reports on the cause, or potential cause of failure. 

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